33 1/3 Call for Proposals

In obviously awesome news, Bloomsbury have posted an open call for proposals for the spectacular 33 1/3 series. My own modest contribution to the series finds itself in ever-more intimidating company every time a new volume comes out, and the recent slate of releases has been very, very good. I'll certainly be picking up the forthcoming books on Sigur Ros, Danger Mouse, Michael Jackson, Aphex Twin (by Marc Weidenbaum, whose blog Disquiet I've loved for years), and J Dilla's Donuts (by fellow Torontonian Jordan Ferguson).

Speaking of which: if anyone is interested in pitching for the series, you should read Jordan's take on the topic. (I've posted some thoughts on my experience and my original proposal before, but YMMV: Bloomsbury's requirements have changed somewhat since then… and certainly I can't claim to have been the poster child for length or timeliness.)

I can't wait to see what the next 18 months brings in the series. I'm really hoping that someone gets a great Arular or Mezzanine pitch through the door this time.